Goodwill Vehicle Donations is currently accepting vehicle donations. Your health and safety are of utmost importance to us. To donate, call 866-233-8586 or fill out the form below. To learn what actions we are taking to ensure you are protected when you donate a vehicle to Goodwill Vehicle Donations, please click here.

Goodwill Named One of the Forbes Most Inspiring Companies

Do you want to donate your vehicle to a company that his truly inspiring? Making a car donation to Goodwill of Greater Washington is a great way to do it. Goodwill was just been named one of the top 25 most inspiring companies by Forbes.

Forbes has been conducting an online survey for consumers to vote on the companies they find to be most inspiring and inviting them to comment on their experience with those companies. Customers commented that they enjoy shopping at Goodwill because it gives them a good feeling of satisfaction because they know that by shopping there they are also making an important contribution to improving their communities.

Some of the other companies mentioned in the article are Apple, Google, Target and Tom’s shoes. The Forbes survey also asked respondents about what consumers will do for a company that inspires them. The results showed that 86% would recommend the company to their friends and family, 82% would be loyal to the company and 92% would share their inspiration with others.

Given all the work Goodwill does to help the community, it is no surprise that consumers are inspired by the company. Goodwill helps thousands of people in the community get job training and assistance finding employment every year. Goodwill offers job training is areas like retail, building maintenance and construction. They also help people get clothes that are appropriate for interviews through their clothing voucher program.

If you are thinking about making a vehicle donation, Goodwill of Greater Washington is an excellent choice. You can be sure that your donation will be going to a company that has a proven track record of success that inspires people across the country to contribute to their work.

So help out your local community and receive a great tax deduction in return! To learn more about vehicle donations to Goodwill or to donate today click the donate button below.

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Last Updated: October 24th, 2023