Goodwill Vehicle Donations is currently accepting vehicle donations. Your health and safety are of utmost importance to us. To donate, call 866-233-8586 or fill out the form below. To learn what actions we are taking to ensure you are protected when you donate a vehicle to Goodwill Vehicle Donations, please click here.

Donate Your Car to Get Fit This Year

Running To Get Fit -

It’s the beginning of a New Year and many people have made a New Year’s Resolution to get fit in 2013. There are many ways to get fit, such as joining a gym or training for a road race. Another great way to get fit this year is to donate your car to Goodwill and incorporate exercise into your daily commute. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Walk to work: Once you have donated your car,  one of the best replacements would be to walk to and from work. Walking is great exercise because it allows you to exercise several different muscle groups with little impact on your joints. Walking can be a reasonable option for anyone who lives within 3 miles of where they work because it is possible to walk that distance in less than an hour. The best part is that you will burn about 100 calories per mile!
  2. Take the Public Transportation: The DC Metro Area has one of the best public transit systems in the country. There are buses and trains available to take you almost anywhere in the area. Taking the bus and/or train will allow you to get around faster while still including some exercise walking to and from the station.
  3. Ride a Bike: Riding a bike can be difficult when there is inclement weather, but is a great way to avoid traffic and get great exercise. There are specially designated bike lanes all over the city which will help you to avoid traffic and take a very direct route to wherever you’re going.

As you can see, there are many transportation options available to you after you donate your car that will help you achieve your new year’s resolution.

Are you ready to take the next step? Donate your car today!

Donate my vehicle now


Last Updated: May 3rd, 2018