Goodwill Vehicle Donations is currently accepting vehicle donations. Your health and safety are of utmost importance to us. To donate, call 866-233-8586 or fill out the form below. To learn what actions we are taking to ensure you are protected when you donate a vehicle to Goodwill Vehicle Donations, please click here.

Trade Your Car for a Scooter

Donating a car to Goodwill is a great way to help out your community while also getting a significant tax deduction. But your car donation will have a lot of additional benefits if you decide to donate your car then buy a scooter instead. Here are some of the benefits of riding a scooter:

  • Use Less Gas – An average scooter gets 80-100 miles per gallon. So, if you drive approximately 50 miles per week, you can pay as little as $8-$10 per month in gas. Most people who purchase scooters save so much money on gas that the scooter pays for itself within 1 year.
  • Cheap to Purchase and Maintain – Brand new scooters come as cheap as about $1,000. Even the more expensive scooters are much cheaper than new cars. If your scooter breaks down, you can be sure that the repair won’t be too costly and the insurance will be significantly lower than car insurance.
  • Easy to Park – Scooters are significantly smaller than cars, making them much easier to park. It will also be easy to find a parking space for your scooter, since they fit very well into small spaces where sedans or trucks would not fit.
  • Fun to Drive – Riding a scooter is a fun hobby to have because you get to move around in the outdoors and breathe in fresh air.
  • Easy to Maneuver – Scooters are designed to be easy to maneuver, much easier that motorcycles. They are so easy to drive that anyone can do it!

To learn more about purchasing a scooter, see the Consumer Reports Guide to Buying a Scooter.

Are you ready to donate your car, truck, SUV or boat and trade it in for a new scooter? Give the gift of your car donation to Goodwill today and help make your community a better place!

Donate my vehicle now


Last Updated: October 24th, 2023